Cover of "Create an Oasis With Greywater" by Shelter Institute, featuring an illustration of a green oasis in a desert landscape. The book discusses how to choose, build, and use greywater systems for ecological reuse.

Create an Oasis With Greywater

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By Art Ludwig
Oasis Design
Copyright©1994-November 2005 Art Ludwig
paperbound, 8.5"x11", 50 pages

Create an Oasis with Greywater
Choosing, Building and Using Greywater Systems

Greywater may be the single greatest threat to otherwise healthy septic systems. But there is little or no regulatory guidance on constructing effective greywater-only systems to address this threat. Art Ludwig has worked for years to develop effective greywater systems in conjunction with state and local regulatory agencies in the state of California.

Learn what Ludwig has learned: practical workable solutions to greywater-only systems. These systems present their own unique challengees and problems - they are different than conventional leech bed systems in many ways.

Ludwig has published several works on greywater systems and ecological reuse of greywater. This one is the starting point for two additional supplements:

Builder's Greywater Guide

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