The newest addition to our wide selection of sharpening stones are the Atoma Diamond Plates, manufactured by Tsuboman Ltd. These diamond-stones come in a wide range of grits to tackle any job.
The plates are made in an unconventional manner instead of having the diamond attached to a thick steel plate, the diamonds are fixed to a thin stainless steel sheet that is adhered to a 10-mm thick aluminum plate. This makes the plate much lighter and easier to handle.
The 140-grit plate is used for flattening sharpening stones that need significant correction or heavy steel removal. The 400-grit plate is used for maintain sharpening stones and correcting chips and minor edge defects. he 600-grit plate is used for maintaining fine sharpening stones and minor edge work. The 1200-grit plate is used for final sharpening and flattening of blades.
Length: 8-1/4-in
Width: 2-15/16-in
Thickness: 7/16-in