All About Water is an informative, fun illustrated book that tells the complete story of water through two fictional characters, cousins Mike and Mac Ro. Mike Ro is not interested in the big picture of water, while Mac Ro advocates for planet earth and does his best to educate Mike. Their interactions are taken from life and share the important story of water conservation, home design for water efficiency, and a bit of water history with a peek into typical municipal water management practices using humor. Readers get a broad look into water that covers everything from efficient plumbing design to graywater reuse and how to pick the right water conditioner. Beyond practical tips, the book explores the value of water as a limited resource, touching on the importance of water conservation and the complexity of municipal water management. All About Water is useful for the homeowner who wants to learn how to read their water bill, anyone concerned about the global water crisis, or those who fall somewhere between. This book has something for everyone!