Author: John F. O'Connor
Publisher: Ancient City Press, 1973
Soft Cover, 9.0"x7.5", 132 pages
This how-to is designed for both novice and skilled builders, owners, and prospective owners of adobe houses. O;Connor, an engineer, covers every phase of construction -- from testing soil, stabilizing, and manufacturing adobe blocks to details of interior and exterior woodwork, ironwork, tiles and tinwor. He explains how to make foundations, floors, walls and roofs and gives precise specifications of heating, pluming, and electricity. Twelve floor plans in both Territorial and Pueblo styles are included, as are many designs for kitchens, bathrooms, and fireplaces. O'Connor believes the adobe house should "grow" from the site, and he also discusses portals, patios, and landscaping.
The author gives a brief "Adobe History" and prefaces his tect with a complete guide to planning you house. Photographs, drawings, diagrams, and technical charts make this an indispensible handbook and reference for anyone interested in construction, architecture, solar energy, and Southwestern lifestyles.