Enhance the efficiency of your Sun-Mar composting toilet system with Compost Sure Composting Bulking Material. This specially formulated product is designed to promote rapid decomposition and maintain optimal composting conditions.
Key Features:
- Available in two varieties: Compost Sure Green and Compost Sure Blue
- Comes in an 8 gallon (30L) bag
- Composed of hemp and peat moss for quick decomposition
- Specifically designed for Sun-Mar composting toilet systems
- Add 1 cup per bowel movement, or
- Use 1 cup per person per day
Compost Sure Green:
- Ideal for Sun-Mar waterless toilets
- Mix of coarse peat moss and chopped hemp stalk
- Formulated to hold oxygen and moisture in the compost
- Ensures maximum aeration and carbon supply
Compost Sure Blue:
- Designed for Sun-Mar's ultra low-flush Centrex systems
- Composed of chopped hemp stalk
- Enriches compost with organic carbon
- Provides drainage for excess liquid
- Maintains aerobic, odor-free compost
Whether you're using a waterless toilet or an ultra low-flush system, Compost Sure offers the perfect bulking material to keep your composting toilet functioning efficiently. This product ensures proper aeration, moisture control, and carbon balance, leading to faster decomposition and a more effective composting process.
Choose Compost Sure for a more sustainable and efficient composting toilet experience.